Monday, April 13, 2009

So Much to Blog About!

It was kind of a busy weekend...lots to talk about!

We got the Wazza, Inc. site up and running! (And when I say "we", I mean mostly Scott). If you know anyone who's looking for videography services, send 'em our way. Scott's been working on this for awhile, so it's nice to have it done and looking good.

I added a couple of tomato plants to my patio garden. They're pre-started, so they're already growing a bit, but there's no fruit on them yet. I'm so looking forward to my own fresh, vine-ripe tomatoes!

We went to Curtis' Shmimprov show Friday night, and as we got out of the show to go to our car there was a freight train stopped at the station that the theatre is across from. As we walked to our car we over heard someone saying that someone had died, so we joined in on the conversation. Turns out, someone had either jumped in front of the train deliberately or been playing chicken and lost. Everyone in the group kind of lamented how sad it was, and then went on their merry way. Scott and I, however, have a different opinion (yes, this is going to turn into a bit of a rant, and I'm sorry for that). I can't really bring myself to feel bad for someone who gets hit by a train. They're either trying to get hit, or pretty damn stupid. I've heard of people getting hit because they have headphones on so loud that they can't hear it; well, number one, walking along tracks that are still in use is damn idiotic in the first place but if you deliberately apply a device that will hinder your ability to hear you're just asking to be removed from the gene pool. And if you're playing chicken for a cheap thrill, again, you're asking for it. And if you're trying to get hit, well, maybe you're right and the world really is better off without you. I just can't feel bad for someone who's dumb enough to get hit by a train.

And now, on a happier note, we had family over for dinner last night, kind of an Easter-y thing, and it was really nice. People brought stuff for food so I didn't have to worry about all of it, and we went down and grilled some nice tri-tip steaks. They were HUGE! But they were very very tasty. It was nice to spend the evening with family; living down in south county while they're up in Whittier makes it difficult to see them as often as we'd like.

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