Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Thoughts on Sesame Street (and other kid's programming)

1-Sesame Street has gotten a lot more formulaic than I remember.  They change up the formula every couple of seasons, but for the most part it very much follows a standard formula and I don't remember it doing that when I was a kid.

2-I don't know when they introduced The Bear Family, from Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but holy cow do I find those characters entertaining!  Baby Bear has the most adorable speech impediment, they gave them a new baby (Curly Bear), and they made Mama and Papa Bear beatniks. 

3-Considering the fact that Elmo drew his entire world, I would think his furniture would be more cooperative with him.  His door and window shade won't open without a considerable amount of cajoling, his drawer smacks him in the head every time it opens, and his computer runs around shrieking every time he gets mail.  Elmo needs a new apartment.

4-Speaking of Elmo's World, there's a character called Mr. Noodle...he's a caricature of the old hobo-style clowns (think Red Skelton), and Elmo asks him to demonstrate certain things depending on what the topic of the day is (such as getting dressed, riding a bike, helping a friend, etc.).  Occasionally, Mr. Noodle's brother or sister will show up and do the demonstration instead...and I noticed a couple weeks ago that it's Kristin Chenowith playing the sister.  How cool is that?

5-I <3 The Backyardigans.  Plain and simple.  It's clever, cute, and not so insipid that I can't stand to watch it with Aurora.  The music is so catchy!  I occasionally find myself with songs from the show stuck in my head days after watching an episode.

6-Angelina Ballerina has proven to me that we need to get Aurora into dance lessons as soon as possible.  She is so naturally interested in music and movement, and she has started copying dance movements from not only Angelina, but The Backyardigans and other shows as well. 

7-I miss The Wiggles.  Netflix streaming took down all their dvds, so we haven't had any Wiggles in a while.  I'm torn between buying a couple of the dvds and just letting it seems silly to drop the cash on a dvd that I know we're going to get rid of when I could instead get a dvd that I am relatively confident we'll keep (for example, a Disney movie not yet owned), but we really did enjoy the Wiggles.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The 2 Hour Nap

Aurora's hit a growth spurt, which means lots of cranky time and lots of nap time.  The former = lots of mommy trying to figure out exactly will make the cranky go away (usually her Minnie doll, thanks Amy!), and the latter = lots of mommy planning her day only to find that an unexpected 2 hour nap can throw a wrench in whatever plans I try to make. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the 2 hour nap.  I really do.  It's great for getting cleaning/laundry/dishes/various other projects going without having to watch where I'm walking and/or doing my thing while holding an increasingly heavy 18-month-old.  Working out, reading, watching a tv show that doesn't involve muppets or badly rendered CG animal children can all be done within the sleep vortex that is the 2 hour nap.  And seriously, Aurora sleeps like her father...a marching band going through her room couldn't wake her up.

But the 2 hour nap is always more...appreciated isn't the right word...utilized, I suppose, when it's expected.  When it's not expected, I inevitably wind up thinking it's going to be a half hour nap and spend the time screwing around on the internet, reading Facebook, looking at my Google Reader subscriptions, and blogging for the third day in a row (admittedly, not a bad thing).  In other words, I don't do much in the way of being productive because I don't think I'll have the time to actually get into a project.  I have too often found myself having to hurriedly wipe sudsy dishwater off my hands to go tend to a toddler who is suddenly very awake and very irritated to find herself in her crib in a dark room, usually with a wet or dirty diaper (she's really not a fan of that).

Though, the unexpected 2 hour nap does always seem to come when I'm at the end of my rope irritated and totally need a couple of hours to just be mindless, so really I suppose it's a good thing.

In other news, I finally organized my sewing patterns (yes, during the 2 hour nap today).  I have them all in page protectors and I'm going to get a nice big (hopefully zippered) 3-ring binder to stick them in. 

Also, I need to be better about labeling my posts.  I'm terrible about that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Boob Shirt (A Retrospective)

Years ago, I bought a tank top.  It was before I really knew how...ample my bosoms would eventually become, I think I was about 14 when I bought it.  It was the first article of clothing that I bought.  Not that I picked out by myself, the first one that I bought with my own money while shopping by myself.  In a much larger way than I'd care to admit, it represented my burgeoning freedom and independence.  I hold no delusions about my teen years, they were crap (not the total crap that other people I know went through, but they were not fun and I wouldn't relive them for all the gold in the world), but there are a few things that make me deeply nostalgic about my youth.  This top is one of them.

When I tried it on, I knew my parents wouldn't like it, and that's what I liked about it.  Yes, it looked decent on me, and I liked the material and the pattern, but it was just revealing enough to make my parents noticeably uncomfortable with it.  My mom was convinced that I had bought it just because it was "fashionable", but it was more than that.  I had picked it out, I had chosen it.  It was mine in a way that very few things had ever truly been mine before that.

Later in high school, my sister hit a phase where she was jealous of how well I was filling out my shirts, and teased me relentlessly for being "too big".  I don't remember exactly when, but during this phase she dubbed the tank top "The Boob Shirt," and the name stuck.

It's one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing that I have ever owned, and I still have it (though I've long since stopped wearing it in public because it just doesn't look flattering on me anymore).  This year I'm finally going to have to retire it.  The threads in the seams are all falling apart, and it's been washed so many times that the pattern is barely visible anymore.  It pains me a little to just toss out something that I look at with such rosy glasses, but I really should toss it.

Maybe I'll give it another year.

Monday, April 4, 2011

In Which Liz Makes a Triumphant (?) Return to teh Interwebz (not a repeat)

It's been busy in the House of Liz.  Really, I wish I could blame that for my long hiatus, but in reality I can't.  At least, not entirely.  Looking back at my archives, it hasn't been as long as I thought, but it's still been too long.  I also wish I could say that I'll fix that and start blogging more often, but I know myself and I know that it probably won't happen...but I had a friend link to my blog in a recent post, so it's been at the forefront of my mind for a couple of days, so I thought I'd fire up the ol' keyboard and give it another go, without the empty "I swear I'll start blogging again" promises.

Aurora's getting so big.  She's walking, talking, throwing tantrums (not my favorite development), and starting to potty train.  I'm going to be so glad not to have to change diapers anymore!

School's on hiatus (again).  Going in the evenings didn't prove to be any less stressful (surprise surprise), and there's just so much else I want to do that school was getting in the way of.

I'm reevaluating where I want to go with Liz's Creations, and I'm super excited about the new direction I'm taking.  Hopefully I'll have some news about that soon.

Baby's awake now, so it's snack time for us.  Perhaps, if I get the mood, I'll blog again tomorrow :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So, apparently, it takes me traveling across the country to have time to blog.  Well, really, for me to make the time to blog.  It's not like I really have a ton of time to blog, but I always feel bad when I go to bed and realize I haven't blogged.  I don't really know why...I'm not getting paid for this, but I feel like I should blog.

So I've gone back to school.  Yes, it's a little crazy to re-start my education with a 10 month old, but I have a ton of support and I can do a lot of it online and in the evenings.  So while I feel it's a little crazy, it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time and I'm super excited.

I've neglected the blog for so long, I don't remember a lot of the stuff I've told myself to blog about (with the exception of going back to school), so on to my vacation!

Two days before we were scheduled to leave, our car died.  Completely died.  Had to push it home two blocks died.  Our neighborhood has a no overnight parking policy, but you can safelist a car if you're going to have an overnight guest, so that their car won't get towed.  I tried to safelist our car so we wouldn't have to try to park it in our 1-car garage without power steering (or, you know, an engine), and was responded to by a snotty, apathetic little twit with the security company who told me that the policy was that owners were not allowed to safelist their own car under any circumstances.  Really?  I wanted to leave my car there overnight, not for a week.  We needed to get it towed the next day so that we could leave, but she couldn't use any kind of common sense or compassion and let us do it ONE TIME.  Yeah, I'm annoyed.  But we got it fixed (it was the alternator), and we were able to get on our way.

We decided to drive up to Idaho (it's where my brother and his family live, and with my bro leaving the country soon we wanted to come up and visit a bit), and yes, with a 10 month old that is also crazy.  She was a champ though.  We stopped a few times during the trip, to visit with friends and family, and it was the best thing we could have done.  Instead of being in the car for 15+ hours, we stopped the first day after 6, the second after 9, the third after 2, and the fourth after about 10.  She got a little fussy after about 8 hours, but for the most part she was really good. 

My nieces have gotten so big!  They're 7 and 4 now, and holy cow have they grown up since I saw them last.  They are so excited to see Aurora, perhaps a little too...enthusiastic at times, but for the most part they've been really good with her.  Aurora's not too sure about my brother...he's got some facial hair, and she usually isn't too keen on that.  She's starting to warm up to him slowly, but she was really freaked out by him at first.

We went down to the Wolf People store today.  There's a 50 acre reserve for wolves up near where my sister in law's parents live, and they have a shop on the highway into town where they bring a couple of the wolves to show every day.  They are very big on educating people about wolves, and they are genuinely nice people.  The wolves were beautiful.  They're like big puppies.  Yes, they're pack animals, and hunters by nature, and therefore could inflict considerable damage upon a human, but they are quite beautiful animals. 

Scott said I had to blog about my pants.  I have a couple pairs of jeans that I've had for almost 4 years, and they're little more than tatters at this point.  They've both got holes in the knees, and are falling apart, and I've lost a big of weight since buying them (well, my weight's yo-yoed quite a bit), and they're just not fitting really well anymore.  So I decided that since prices and taxes are better up here, I'd buy a new pair of jeans if I could find a pair under $10.  So we were out shopping today, and while we were in a store that was advertising their clearance stuff, Scott made a joke about my clearance rack radar.  I love clearance racks.  I hate paying a ton of money for clothes that I could make myself, and I have a store near me at which I rarely pay more than $15 for an article of clothing.  So I've really gotten cheap about clothes.  Occasionally I'll splurge for something I really love, but more often than not I'll just browse the clearance racks at Target or something. 

JCPenny's clearance racks kind of suck.  They're all just kind of interspersed throughout the rest of the store, instead of in one spot.  So while looking for clearance stuff, I found a pair of jeans that were on sale, but not clearance.  They were $16.  I really liked them.  A lot.  I decided I'd try them on, just to see how much I liked them, since they were on sale and were really cute.  I then continued searching.  Found a cute polo, $5.  And then I saw what I thought were mislabeled jeans.  The sticker said $2.98.  I didn't believe it.  I asked an employee, and he confirmed that that was the price.  I tried them on, they're a tad too big, but not so big that they'll fall down when I wear them.  Still skeptical, I took my finds up to the register and decided that I wouldn't get them if they had been mistagged

So we've still got about a week until we leave, and I will be sad to go.  I'm having such a good time, and as much as Jeremy and I give each other crap, I love him.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Think I Like Snoop Dogg...

Scott and I don't have a television.  Instead, we have a nightly ritual which we refer to as "Lolling", where we take a look at I Can Has Cheeseburger, an ever-growing number of it's sister sites, and a couple of webcomics.  This week has been an interesting one in the blogosphere. 

First, and not worth posting because it was super creepy, was Lady Gaga's video for Alejandro.  It was filled with Nazis, clones of Moe (of the Three Stooges fame), an assault rifle bra, and general creepiness. 

This video led Katy Perry to Twitter "Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke", which the mods over at seemed to find funny, considering the fact that just a few days later, she released this video for California Gurls(sorry about the link, and no embeddination, youtube wouldn't allow it).  I don't want to give too much away, but it features Snoop Dogg, and he's wearing a cupcake pimp suit.  It's pretty much the most spectacular thing ever.

And then today, while Lolling, we came across this video:

First, I have to say, Scott and I are very big fans of True Blood (though we have gotten behind since we, you know, don't have a TV, or cable).  Snoop Dogg doing a tribute to the show is pretty freakin' awesome. 

So awesome, in fact, I felt I had to share.  And so I have.  :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Case Of The Mondays? Not Here, TYVM!

Have you ever had a weekend that seems to flow seamlessly from Friday to Saturday to Sunday and back around to Monday without flaw, without stress, and without that crappy well-shit-my-weekend's-over feeling?  For us, that was this past weekend.  Scott and I had some plans, but not so much that we were overbooked, we had fun with friends and family, and it was awesome to just hang out and have an easy, stress free weekend.

Saturday, we were going to go over to our friend's place to play Killer Bunnies (an awesome game that you should all play because it's fun and awesome).  They've just bought a new house, and I gotta say, I'm in love with their kitchen.  It's the size of my living room, but more than that, it's set up very well for someone who cooks a lot.  That's not to say that I'm not happy with my own kitchen.  It's also set up very well for an avid cook/baker, it's compact and everything's easy to get to and there's plenty of storage, but I did really like their kitchen.  Killer Bunnies was a good time, there was lots of bunny carnage and mayhem, and revealing the winner got down to the last two carrot cards (it very often does, for some reason...laws of statistics be damned!), and there was a big dramatic flourish to reveal the winner at the very end, which is always fun.  Aurora decided that she just wasn't going to sleep, no matter what.  She stayed up until well after 11 PM.  She didn't sit and scream or anything, just sat and played with our friend's daughter's toys, but she just didn't want to go to sleep.

Sunday, we had a barbecue with my mom and sister.  We went and cooked down by the pool so that Aurora and her Grandma could go in the water.  I don't know what this kid's issue is, but while she hates baths (screams like we're stabbing her every time we give her one), she doesn't mind the pool too much.  She has this little boat that Scott's mom found for her, and she'll sit and float in that for awhile, and she's fine.  But baths?  Not so much.  My theory is that she picked up my claustrophobia, and she just doesn't like the little baby tub that we put her in, so tonight I'm gonna try without it and see how she does.  My mom also suggested it might be the water temperature, so I'll have to play with that too.

Anyway, adding to the fun of the weekend was that I got to go craft store shopping!  I have had a love of creating things since I was little, I still have art projects dating back to when I was in Kindergarten (holy hell, that's 20 years ago now), and possibly from before then.  I love crayons, colored pencils, yarn, string, fabric, sewing machines, sketch paper, charcoal, coloring books, paint, and many other arts and crafts supplies.  You name it, I've probably used it.  Going into craft stores brings back fond memories of projects, assigned and voluntary, that I've taken up over the years.  I've scrapbooked, crocheted, knitted, loom-woven, sketched (though I was terrible at it), decorated cakes, painted, cross stitched, sewn, worked with wood, constructed dioramas, made jewelry, designed flowers...I love making things.  I love the process of watching something go from a few raw materials to a completed work of art, and being proud of what I've accomplished.  It's very much something I hope to instill in my daughter.  Recently, I've been bitten by the sewing bug.  I've had my sewing machine for several years now, I made the curtains that now hang in my home, and I've dabbled with sewing in the past.  A couple of weeks ago, however, my mom took the baby for the weekend, and I got to finish a skirt that I bought supplies for over 2 years ago and never finished, and reminded myself of how much I enjoy it.  So this weekend, I dragged Scott to a discount fabric store near us that I'd heard of but never been to, and wow did we have a good time!  I found fabric for $1.98/yard!  And patterns for $3.

What I'm really proud of, though, is our trip to our local Joann Fabric yesterday.  We went in because I had a couple of coupons, and they wound up having Simplicity patterns on sale for $1.99 each, regardless of their original price.  Their usual prices run anywhere from $10.99-$19.99.  Each.  And they were all on sale for $2.  So many of them are far beyond my skill level right now, but I plan on getting to that level soon.  Here's the stack of patterns that I picked, containing clothes for all three of us, and quite a few costume patterns (even some vintage lingerie!):

And here's the "You Saved..." part of the receipt:

I was blown away!  25 patterns for $55.14, with a savings of over $300.  Wow.

I now have some serious clothing manufacturing to do (as well as a house to clean), so I'm gonna get to it!