Friday, June 18, 2010

I Think I Like Snoop Dogg...

Scott and I don't have a television.  Instead, we have a nightly ritual which we refer to as "Lolling", where we take a look at I Can Has Cheeseburger, an ever-growing number of it's sister sites, and a couple of webcomics.  This week has been an interesting one in the blogosphere. 

First, and not worth posting because it was super creepy, was Lady Gaga's video for Alejandro.  It was filled with Nazis, clones of Moe (of the Three Stooges fame), an assault rifle bra, and general creepiness. 

This video led Katy Perry to Twitter "Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke", which the mods over at seemed to find funny, considering the fact that just a few days later, she released this video for California Gurls(sorry about the link, and no embeddination, youtube wouldn't allow it).  I don't want to give too much away, but it features Snoop Dogg, and he's wearing a cupcake pimp suit.  It's pretty much the most spectacular thing ever.

And then today, while Lolling, we came across this video:

First, I have to say, Scott and I are very big fans of True Blood (though we have gotten behind since we, you know, don't have a TV, or cable).  Snoop Dogg doing a tribute to the show is pretty freakin' awesome. 

So awesome, in fact, I felt I had to share.  And so I have.  :)

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