Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The 2 Hour Nap

Aurora's hit a growth spurt, which means lots of cranky time and lots of nap time.  The former = lots of mommy trying to figure out exactly will make the cranky go away (usually her Minnie doll, thanks Amy!), and the latter = lots of mommy planning her day only to find that an unexpected 2 hour nap can throw a wrench in whatever plans I try to make. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the 2 hour nap.  I really do.  It's great for getting cleaning/laundry/dishes/various other projects going without having to watch where I'm walking and/or doing my thing while holding an increasingly heavy 18-month-old.  Working out, reading, watching a tv show that doesn't involve muppets or badly rendered CG animal children can all be done within the sleep vortex that is the 2 hour nap.  And seriously, Aurora sleeps like her father...a marching band going through her room couldn't wake her up.

But the 2 hour nap is always more...appreciated isn't the right word...utilized, I suppose, when it's expected.  When it's not expected, I inevitably wind up thinking it's going to be a half hour nap and spend the time screwing around on the internet, reading Facebook, looking at my Google Reader subscriptions, and blogging for the third day in a row (admittedly, not a bad thing).  In other words, I don't do much in the way of being productive because I don't think I'll have the time to actually get into a project.  I have too often found myself having to hurriedly wipe sudsy dishwater off my hands to go tend to a toddler who is suddenly very awake and very irritated to find herself in her crib in a dark room, usually with a wet or dirty diaper (she's really not a fan of that).

Though, the unexpected 2 hour nap does always seem to come when I'm at the end of my rope irritated and totally need a couple of hours to just be mindless, so really I suppose it's a good thing.

In other news, I finally organized my sewing patterns (yes, during the 2 hour nap today).  I have them all in page protectors and I'm going to get a nice big (hopefully zippered) 3-ring binder to stick them in. 

Also, I need to be better about labeling my posts.  I'm terrible about that.

1 comment:

  1. really, who would wake up excited about a dirty diaper? I can't imagine a scenario where that situation would make me wake up and smile. ahahaha!
